Sunday 19 June 2016

Stand up Presentation - Game Studies Week 5

Feedback on my Presentation

This week we did our presentation to the class to discuss our subject matter and our findings. With my presentation and presenting what I had found I had got given some good feedback. One of the worrying things about my essay was that a lot of the info I had presented I had not presented with any actually quotes to back up what I had said. For example I applied one of the tests to the class to try it out and see if it works. The test was just getting them to stare at black and then at red, and asked what kind of feelings or how did those colours make them feel. It worked well because in some of the students observing they felt the way that my research had informed me they would but the problem was without any scientific or examples this part of the presentation came off as a “The colour does this” kind of notion, without the information it lacked any real traction and came off wrong. Which brings me to another point the presentation itself did not have much of the info relayed properly and another big problem was trying to find a way to be able to link the scientific branch of the colour psychology into colour theory correctly. As Jordan felt talking about the science of Optiks was one of the parts that didn't quite fit in with the rest of the info I was relaying and wondered whether it might be better for my artefact to drop this portion all together. He felt that I should just look at it briefly and rather focus more on how it helped our understanding of colour rather than going into the scientific talk surrounding it. Well I do agree with him I felt that if I did not give a bit more light to it that it would lose the impact of what I wanted to talk about using Goethe as a counter argument to it. But through this thinking I did find that I was focusing far too much on this basic and neglecting the actual question that I wanted to pursue and answer. As highlighted in my previous blog post, one of the students talked about trying to find a way to convey that use of colour was done intentionally rather than saying “We did this just because”. Which is exactly the issue that I have with this topic. I didn’t display my findings on the use of colour physiology just yet as I had not researched into this enough to give sound reason behind its use. Reflecting further on the presentation this could have given me more confidence as well as those listening to me, a better understanding for the topic. From what I’ve found on this subject is that colour has an effect on the body physically, colours like red as an example cause what’s called high arousal, this is measured in elevated heart rate, blood pressure and activates an alertness in the viewer. The reason for this could possibly be linked to how man has survived for so long, and is really a great evolutionary tool that has given our species what it needed to thrive. As colour was a way of understanding what would be good to eat, what to avoid and how to track something. As said before colour physiology doesn't adhere to being subjective as much as psychology which in that case would help present my case regarding my topic.

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