Sunday 19 June 2016

Resulting Colour Interpretation - Games Studies Week 6

Results Give Confidence.

Last week I spoke to Tece about the current state of my work, she read the new introduction and found that it went into detail far too early and that I should try to avoid repeating myself in the lines afterwards. Upon re-reading my work I could see why she would say this as I currently have a bad habit of repeating what I’ve said before all most too similarly. It’s a apart of my writing and is something I know am trying to proactivly counter in my writing. She to also pointed some out as an example so to give me a better understanding of my writing. Another fault found in my work was that I used a lot of first person statements. It came off sounding more like the proposal rather than the body of work that I was trying to create. However what I found was helpful was talking about where this research assignment could go and the format that it could be put in. This was great as I have been having issues with finding a way to link them all in. She particularly liked how I formated in why is it important and how it is important. She also spoke about how adding my why into the intro was a great way for people to see how the information that will be conveyed in this research assignment could be handy. After this I went away and reworded my introduction and also decided to leave it alone for now and focus on other parts of the essay. Some interesting information I found was that of Angela Wright who wrote about how colour affects people in “The colour affects system”. She goes on to talk about how it’s not just one colour that affects a person, it is a combination of the right hues. Her work has been proven scientifically and has helped to show that colour can be objective. A study done in 2002 by Li Chen Qu looked into whether or not we were affected by colour and if our cultural surroundings played any effect on this. The study included participants from europe and china, with startling results suggesting that regardless of ethnicity or gender colour can affect us in the same way. In her research she concludes that there are 4 different groups of people, and that people from 1 of those groups will all react the same way to colour as everyone else in the group. So in saying that everyone from group 1 will react the same, and that everyone from group 2 would react the same and so on and so forth. What they would react to would be a specific set of colours that would be classed for that specific group. This information combined with my look at colour physiology would be exactly what I needed to give my essay more substance in the way of factual results. Wright’s view on colour theory was that Newton and Goethe weren’t wrong and that a hybrid of their work would be similar to those views that Aristotle held earlier and that their views were an extension on to what had come before. Wright’s research was more to do with marketing, as she spoke about how important it is for a business to understand what colours they are using and how these colours can affect their potential customers. Previous research shows that red has the abilities to activate the viewer’s memory better but due to its negative association with aggressive tendencies might not be the best choice depending on what it is you are selling. Crowley noted in a paper in 1993 that red was best suited for impulse buying due to its ability to activate high arousal. It was in reading these that I found that marketing has a wealth of information regarding colour and here that I would find the basis for the majority of my claims, this in conjunction with colour psychology and colour physiology would be the backbone to my artefact.

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